How To Confidently Buy Underwear for Your Girlfriend

We all have probably seen on Hollywood movies and also series on tv and the now different streaming platforms a boyfriend or husband buying underwear for their girlfriends or wives. And even, we as women know what we like and what looks the best on us, I honestly find it very sexy that our men can buy underwear for us.
I mean, there are so many types and shapes of underwear, and we buy comfy and sexy ones… We might buy them for us, especially the comfy ones, and can even buy sexy one and say we buy them for us, but let’s face it, but we buy them for our partners in the end. Our ultimate goal is to feel comfortable, and even if they can be also comfortable, we just keep them for those special occasions, right?
You are wanting to buy your girlfriend, or why not your wife, some underwear, but you really don’t want to be or even feel like the creepy and weird guy that is looking at thongs at a lingerie store. The whole experience can definitively be very intimidating, but it doesn’t really have to be. In the end, seeing your girl in those panty bundles that you bought her, I’m sure will pay it off.
Go easy at first
If you’re not really sure how risky you want to get, start just by getting something that it’s just a little out of her comfort zone, but don’t push too hard. The experience has to be fun for both of you. A good start is looking at her own purchases so you can get some hints. If she only wears cotton bikini briefs, then she might not react to well to a lacy pair of best women thong. But if she does have some sexy ones, then you know you’ll have a wide variety to choose from.
Focus on what you like but avoid her insecurities
But do this if you haven’t been able to figure out her style. Most women feel very uncomfortable with their bodies and some aspects of them, this makes them feel even more self-conscious with how revealing underwear can be. It’s more likely that you have a higher and better opinion of her body than she does herself.
This is why, its recommended that on your search, you focus on what you would want to see her wearing and what you would think will be looking really hot on her. It’s important that you tell her what reasons you had to choose those times when you give her the gift. That would ease the reaction if you didn’t really nail her style.
But remember that most women are self-conscious about some of her body parts that you might love the most, and if she really hates that part, then she’ll probably won’t want to show it off and what you get her might make her upset or feel pressured. We advise you to give her a compliment about it, so you see how she reacts.
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Give her some options and a heads up
If she’s in general shy and more conservative, it could be a good option if you ask her if she would feel comfortable with you getting some underwear. It might ruin the surprise the first time, but it will eventually be the best to avoid any kind of problems. Communication in your relationship is key.
If you really don’t know what’s the right decision, then send her a few of your favorite choices and ask her which ones she likes the most, and then just pick your favorite. Then whatever you get her will have her seal of approval.
Find her size out and shop online
Please, don’t buy anything if you are not a 100% confident about your girl’s size. Do your homework, so you don’t buy her something that is too big that might make her feel insulted or something too small that she might be embarrassed by it… in both cases she might not be able to wear what you get her.
Check the tags of her bras and underwears when you’re doing the laundry or when she’s not at home. Have in mind that size vary across brands and styles, so take notes of everything, and check out several items. You can also ask costumer service or sale representatives if the items run smaller or larger, if possible, when you have the items in hand compared them to the ones she already has, to check if they’re right.
And if you want to avoid the afternoon or morning feeling like the creep, we are in 2022, you can shop online and avoid that uncomfortable feeling that you might feel. But have in mind that men are always welcomed at underwear stores when they’re polite and respectful.